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Modesto, CA 95354
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San Francisco, California 94105
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275 Battery Street Suite 1300
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 544-0115
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San Francisco, California 94123
(415) 673-0377
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44 Montgomery Street Suite 1210
San Francisco, California 94104
(415) 398-6865
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660 Market Street, Suite 202
San Francisco, California 94104
(415) 989-8070
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351 California Street, Suite 800
San Francisco, California 94104
(415) 777-1040
Civil Litigation Attorneys
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633 Battery Street,Suite 640
San Francisco, California 94111
(415) 399-0970
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400 Montgomery Street, Suite 505
San Francisco, California 94104
(415) 781-6500
Family Lawyers
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San Francisco, CA Attorney News

Former Human Rights Commission employee enters plea deal in child pornography

Larry Brinkin, who used to work for the Human Rights Commission of San Francisco, entered into a plea deal agreement on his child pornography charges.

The plea deal saw a second charge of child pornography distribution dropped against the 67-year-old Brinkin.

Under the plea deal, Brinkin will spend six months behind bars and another six months of house arrest. Afterwhich, he will undergo probation for four years.

Brinkin, who is a staunch supporter of the LGBT advocacy, will also be entered in the list of sexual offender and is ordered to go through therapy.

Randall Knox, an attorney in San Francisco, said that Brinkin has been deeply sorry for what he has done and has fully understood the damage that child pornography can inflict on victims.

16-year-old charged with hate crime, will be tried as an adult

Richard Thomas may only be 16 years old but he will be facing the charges filed against him as an adult.

Thomas is facing several charges including "hate crime" after he set another teenager, Luke "Sasha" Fleischman, 18, on fire.

Both were riding on a bus when the incident happened with Fleischman wearing a skirt.

Fleischman's parents said their son does not identify himself either as a male or female.

According to police, Thomas had told them he set Fleischman on fire because he is homophobic.

San Francisco defense attorney Michael Cardoza said his client, Thomas, if convicted would be facing a longer sentence because of the hate crime charge.

San Francisco couple meted with prison term each for harrassing their tenants

The Macy couple, Kip and Nicole, will be spending more than four years in prison less time already served for their conviction in attacking and threatening the people renting their apartment building in San Francisco.

The couple, who had escaped to Italy when the charges were filed against them, had admitted to the crimes.

While in Italy, they tried to fight getting extradited to the US but failed.

Court heard that the Macys wanted to evict their tenants because they planned to renovate the apartment building and put it on sale.

San Francisco criminal lawyers have acted as defense counsel for the couple with Lisa Dewberry for Kip and George Borges for Nicole.

Man cleared of husband’s murder

Timothy Stewart was finally released from jail after he was cleared of the death of his husband, Terry Rex Spray.

Spray was found insensible in the garage of the couple's apartment with blood gushing from a wound in his head.

He died more than a month after he was brought to the hospital for treatment.

Stewart was charged after a surveillance video showed him having left the garage a few minutes before the assault on Spray.

Prosecutors pointed Stewart's erratic relationship with a woman as a motive for the crime. They added that Stewart did it to get Spray's pension.

They also claimed that their evidence was enough to pursue the case despite the police not finding anything to link Stewart to the assault.

Danielle Harris, San Francisco defense attorney, said deciding to file the murder raps against her client was farfetched.

United States Attorney News

Sexually abusing four differently-abled women nets man prison

William Walker was handed a minimum of 24 years and a maximum of 60 years in prison after admitting to rape charges.

Walker submitted a guilty plea to allegations that he raped four women who are disabled in a span of 12 days in 2012.

The judge said Walker is a danger to society and rehabilitating him may not help.

Philadelphia criminal defense lawyer Catherine Berryman said Walker was abused while growing up.

Philadelphia Church official granted bail after his conviction was reversed

After 18 months in prison, Monsignor William Lynn, may be released when he was granted bail following the reversal of his conviction.

Lynn, who served as a secretary for clergy at the Philadelphia archdiocese, will have to give up his passport. He will also be made to wear an electronic device for monitoring.

The Roman Catholic official was sentenced to between three to six years after he was convicted for endangering an abuse victim of a priest.

However, appeal judges reversed Lynn's conviction because the child-endangerment law which he was accused of violating did not apply to him.

Following the reversal, Lynn's defense lawyers asked for his release which the prosecution opposed during the bail hearing claiming that the priest is a flight risk.

However, Philadelphia defense attorney Thomas Bergstrom said that Lynn would never run away from conviction.

Famous dealer of wine convicted for fraud

The jury returned a guilty verdict against Rudy Kurniawan, a star wine collector, for faking vintage wines, which he apparently just manufactured from his home.

Kurniawan was convicted for fraud and is looking at a massive 40-year sentence.

Kurniawan was once known as among the top five collectors of wine in the world.

Prosecutors accused Kurniawan of earning millions from selling and auctioning fake vintage wines.

Found in the home that Kurniawan shared with his mother were unlabeled bottles and labels of Burgundy and Bordeaux wines.

Suspicions against Kurniawan started during an auction in 2008 wherein he offered to sell Domaine Ponsot wines.

But it wasn't until a 2012 wine auction in London that Kurniawan was arrested.

Los Angeles criminal lawyer Jerome Mooney, defending for Kurniawan, said his client was not trying to defraud people. Instead, all he wanted was to belong.

Cop gets two months for shooting trainee during an exercise

William S. Kern, a Baltimore Police instructor, was handed a 60-day jail stay, for shooting Raymond Gray, a police recruit, while they were doing exercises.

Kern, who has been in service for 19 years, told the court during his trial that he had brought a live gun to the exercises and he had accidentally used it instead of the training weapon.

Gray was hit in the head and was blinded in one eye when Kern fired his gun through the window to show the recruits the danger of lingering near the door, the window or the hallway.

Kern said that he brought his gun to the training for the safety of the recruits because the facility where they were having their exercises is not secure.

Baltimore defense attorney Shaun F. Owens had argued for Kern's release saying that his client's eventual dismissal from the service would already be enough of a punishment.

Kern is on a 60-day suspension while the Baltimore Police conducts an investigation within its ranks.

Gray's family, who expressed dissatisfaction with the sentence, has also filed a civil lawsuit in relation to the incident and is being represented by Baltimore litigator A. Dwight Pettit.

Life sentence looms over woman found guilty of murder

Jeannette Silvia is looking at a life in prison after a jury found her guilty of murdering Michael Ramirez.

The body of 59-year-old Ramirez was found inside a motel room paid for by Silvia and her ex-boyfriend, Joseph Santos-Torres, who is also charged in connection with Ramirez's death.

Evidence presented in trial showed that Ramirez had paid Silvia for sex then a few days later, Ramirez was made to go to the motel where he was found dead.

Sarah Christensen and Phil Dubois, Colorado Springs defense attorneys, downplayed their client, Silvia's participation in the murder, saying that it was Santos-Torres who killed Ramirez and all she did was helped him escape as he had asked.

The jury, however, did not buy it.

Santos-Torres himself is awaiting trial.