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Chattanooga, TN Attorneys, Lawyers and Law Firms

Directory of Chattanooga, Tennessee Attorneys, Lawyers, Law Firms, etc.
(747 attorneys currently listed)

Featured Chattanooga Attorneys

Criminal Attorneys »
Davis & Hoss, PC
508 East 5th Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403
(423) 266-0605
Attorneys who protect your rights.
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Divorce & Family Attorneys »
Mitchell A. Byrd, PLLC
622 Georgia Avenue, Suite 102
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
(423) 265-3001
Family Law, Personal Injury & Criminal Defense Law Firm
Visit the profile page of Mitchell A. Byrd, PLLC Email Mitchell A. Byrd, PLLCVisit Mitchell A. Byrd, PLLC on on the web
Employment Attorneys »
Grace E. Daniell, PC
620 Lindsay Street, Suite 210
Chattanooga, TN 37403
(423) 266-3179
Employment law, Family law and Personal injury lawyer
Visit the profile page of Grace E. Daniell, PC Email Grace E. Daniell, PCVisit Grace E. Daniell, PC on on the web
Personal Injury Attorneys »
Gary W Starnes
736 Georgia Avenue Suite 404 Dome Bldg.
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
(800) 281-2403
Personal Injury Attorney
Visit the profile page of Gary W Starnes Email Gary W StarnesVisit Gary W Starnes on on the web

United States Attorney News

Los Angeles lawyers insist on client's release

Blair Berk and Leonard Levine, defense lawyers in Los Angeles, are arguing for the release of their client, Darren Sharper, who used to play in the National Football League.

Sharper has submitted a not guilty plea to sexually assaulting two women in Los Angeles.

However, Sharper remains on indefinite custody with no bail after prosecutors pointed out that he also has an arrest warrant issued by authorities in Louisiana.

Sharper's lawyers are insisting on his release because no case has been filed yet pertaining to the Louisiana arrest warrant.

Man cleared of rape that happened in 1993

Stephen Cothran was acquitted of rape and kidnapping charges in connection to an incident that happened in 1993.

Cothran, 56, became a suspect when his DNA linked him to evidence gathered during the incident.

However, a negative test had the jury dismissing the charges against Cothran.

Reuben Sheperd, a criminal attorney in Cleveland defending for Cothran, said that the victim had agreed to have sex with his client.

Philadelphia Church official granted bail after his conviction was reversed

After 18 months in prison, Monsignor William Lynn, may be released when he was granted bail following the reversal of his conviction.

Lynn, who served as a secretary for clergy at the Philadelphia archdiocese, will have to give up his passport. He will also be made to wear an electronic device for monitoring.

The Roman Catholic official was sentenced to between three to six years after he was convicted for endangering an abuse victim of a priest.

However, appeal judges reversed Lynn's conviction because the child-endangerment law which he was accused of violating did not apply to him.

Following the reversal, Lynn's defense lawyers asked for his release which the prosecution opposed during the bail hearing claiming that the priest is a flight risk.

However, Philadelphia defense attorney Thomas Bergstrom said that Lynn would never run away from conviction.

NFL player's non-cooperation sees theft charges dropped against woman who stole his jewelry

Theft charges against Subhanna Beyah were dropped after her victim, New York Giants' Shaun Rogers, refused to cooperate with the authorities.

Jonathan Meltz, Beyah's lawyer in Miami, could not be contacted to comment on the issue.

Miami prosecutors believed that Beyah did to Rogers what she did to two other men, wherein she drugged them before stealing their valuables.

According to the police, Rogers had met Beyah at the nightclub of the hotel where he was staying.

Together with another couple, they had gone up to his room where he went to sleep while the others were partying. Before he went to sleep, he put his jewelry inside a safe in the room. When he woke up, Beyah was already gone and so was his jewelry worth almost $500,000.

Rogers had told the prosecution that he was not willing to cooperate during the one time he spoke with them.

Despite the failure of the theft charges to prosper, the prosecution instead will go ahead with charging Beyah for violating her probation wherein she is looking at a 20-year prison sentence if convicted.

Man found guilty in beating death of infant

David Christopher Cruz was found guilty in the death of an infant, who is still five months shy of turning one years old.

The infant victim, the son of Cruz's girlfriend, was taken off life support a few days after he was brought into the hospital unconscious.

He suffered head injuries, several fractures and had bruises on his body.

Court heard that Cruz was the infant's baby sitter while the mother goes to work.

Cruz told the police that he had hit the baby because he keeps on fussing.

Michael Begovich, a criminal lawyer in San Diego defending for Cruz, said that the baby's mother also has a responsibility in her son's death because she had not consulted a doctor when the baby had an ear infection.