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Minneapolis, MN Attorney News

Woman faces five years in jail for lying to a grand jury

A five-year jail term looms over Saynab Hussein after she pleaded guilty to having lied before a grand jury in 2009 about young men leaving Minnesota for Somalia and joining a terrorist group.

Hussein admitted having told the grand jury that she had no idea or was not aware of anyone raising funds for the men being recruited to go to Somalia.

Hussein, now 23 and carrying a child, in fact, was one of those who had raised the funds.

Minnesota criminal defense attorney John Lundquist attributed his client's mistake to being young but that she has regretted what she has done.

Hussein is one of the long list of persons charged in connection with the government's investigation on the recruitment of young men for terrorism in Somalia.

Hussein's sentencing has yet to be scheduled.

United States Attorney News

Irish nanny facing murder in death of 1-year-old girl denied bail

Aisling Brady McCarthy, a nanny from Ireland, will have to await her murder trial in jail after she was denied bail.

McCarthy is accused of the death of Remah Sabir, a one-year-old girl who had suffered a head trauma while under her care. She was brought in to the hospital and died two days later.

However, McCarthy may get a reprieve after the judge got frustrated with the prosecutors' delay in handing over medical proof which could prove critical for her defense.

David Meier, a criminal attorney in Boston defending for McCarthy, said that the evidence they were asking for is necessary to the case.

McCarthy's defense said they are not ready to go to trial in April because of the delay.

Former FOX 5 anchor exonerated of DUI charges

A jury has exonerated Amanda Davis, a retired anchor of FOX 5, from charges of driving under the influence and reckless driving.

Instead, she was held liable for not being able to maintain driving on one lane which resulted to an accident in 2012.

For her sentence, Davis will be serving the community for 20 hours.

She will also be made to pay $200 as fine.

Defending for Davis was Atlanta DUI lawyer William "Bubba" Head.

$600,000 bail set for man who threatened Seattle mayor

Neither the prosecution nor the defense got what they wanted when the judge ordered Mitchell Munro Taylor to remain in jail and set the bail at $600,000.

Eric Lindell, the Seattle criminal lawyer defending for Taylor, had asked for a $10,000 bail saying that his client has not been taking his medicines for Asperger's Syndrome.

This was countered by the prosecution, who sought a $1 million bail.

Lindell was jailed when he posted several threatening messages on Seattle Mayor Ed Murray's Facebook page.

He also posted a threat which authorities believed targeted Kshama Sawant, the first socialist to have become a member of the City Council.

Cuyahoga corruption snitch gets six years in prison

J. Kevin Kelley was handed a six-year prison sentence for his involvement in the Cuyahoga corruption case, considered as one of the biggest in the county.

Kelley was the first defendant to offer his cooperation to the FBI who was investigating the corruption issue.

He admitted to being the one who collects and pays off the bribes to county officials.

During his sentencing, Kelley issued an apology to his family as well as the taxpayers of Cuyahoga County.

Kelley has also been ordered to pay restitution of about $700,000.

Kelley's cooperation ensured the cooperation of other defendants in the case and the conviction of several people involved in the corruption.

Cleveland defense attorney John Gibbons said there is no excuse for Kelley's involvement in the corruption, however, his cooperation is the best way for him to make amends.

20 years in prison for murder conviction in nightclub shooting

A murder conviction will have Mark Anthony Garcia spending 20 years in prison for the death of Michael Angelo Morales.

Morales was shot to death outside a nightclub in 2008.

Garcia's first murder trial ended in a mistrial but he was not so lucky in the second trial.

Albert Acevedo, a defense attorney in San Antonio, said that his client, Garcia, was not the killer.

Instead he was the one who tried to stop another man, Hector Lozano, from shooting Morales.

Lozano is still awaiting for his own trial.